Fill in the Blank ESL Warm-up Activity

I’m a sucker for a quick, effortless warm-up activity, and this is one of my new favorites. Every time I’ve used it, students have seemed pleasantly surprised with how much they’ve enjoyed such a simple activity. It’s so simple, but it lends itself to great discussion.


How many times can I use the word simple? At least one more. The activity is simple! Here’s how to do it:


1) Write a few sentences on the board or PowerPoint.

2) Ask students to write down the first word that pops into their minds (or have them turn immediately to their partner and tell them).

3) Have students explain why they chose that word.


For example:

•1) Saving money is ______________.

•2) Spending money is ____________.

•3) My parents taught me that money is __________.

•4) Talking about money with people is ___________.

•5) People who are rich are _____________.


Before students see the sentences, I really emphasize that they should write down or say the FIRST THING that pops into their minds.


After students have chosen their words, then I tell students that this is a bit of psychological exercise. The first thing that popped into their minds could be an insight into their deepest opinions and beliefs.


Here are a few questions who could help students explain and discuss their word choices:

  • Why did you choose this word?

  • Where do you think you got that idea? From a life experience? From society? From your parents?
    Do you truly believe this is true?

  • Did you always think this or did your opinion change at some point?


Obviously, this activity works better if you write more thought-provoking questions, but this is an easy activity that you could use for literally any topic! Just take a good five minutes to brainstorm your sentences, and you’re good to go!