Impromptu Speech Topics for Advanced ESL Students

When I first started teaching ESL, having impromptu speech topics on hand was a lifesaver. Because I wasn’t the best yet at timing, sometimes I would be left with five or ten minutes at the end of class, and having students do a quick impromptu speech helped me fill class time. I also quickly realized how often I would be asked to participate in training students for different speech competitions. Each week, I had to come up with different impromptu topics for our training classes. And when I taught my first speech course, impromptu topics came in handy yet again.

A good impromptu topic is one that allows for flexibility and gives the student a chance to share their true opinions in a variety of ways. It also should allow the possibility for structure, where the student could organize two or three main points, as well as add supporting material.

If you’re teaching a speech class, a speech training class, or if you just want to do impromptu speeches with your students, here are a few ideas for advanced impromptu topics.

 One-word topics:

(Because there is only one word, the topic is vague and leaves plenty of room for interpretation. These are generally more challenging.)

  • Imagination

  • Diligence

  • Globalization

  • Community

  • Harmony

  • Progress

  • Modernization

  • Future

  • Culture

  • Literature

  • Regret

  • Learning

  • Language

  • Innovation

  • Persevere

  • Dream

  • Connection


Multiple-word topics:

  • The Effects of Social Media

  • How to Learn a Language

  • Choosing a Major in College

  • The Joys of Friendship

  • What Success Means to Me

  • What I Would Do with 1 Million Dollars

  • Someone I Admire

  • A Hard Lesson I Learned

  • Where I See Myself in 5 Years

  • A Career I’m Interested in


Debate topics could also be used or adjusted for impromptu speech topics! Check out these 10 debate ideas for extra inspiration: