10 Debate Topics for ESL Discussion

 Whether you’ve been asked to teach a debate class or are just looking for conversation starter to use in class, I always like to have a running list of really great debate topics. Often, the debate classes I’ve taught didn’t include topic ideas in the textbook, so I had to come up with them myself.


But I don’t just use these topics for debate. I also pull these out in general oral English classes or use them for prompts in a writing class or impromptu topics for a speech class.


Another thing I really focus on in all of my classes is the ability to think critically. I often have found that students spend the majority of their time memorizing facts, hearing teachers’ opinions, and just getting non-stop input. In my classes, I want to stop for a minute and challenge them to think for themselves. What do they really think about a topic? Can they hear an opposing idea and counter it? Or can they hear an opposing idea and see the truth in it and accept it?


I’ve used all these topics multiple times in class, and they always are a hit. It’s easy to come up with pros and cons for both sides of each of these topics. While most of these topics work well for longer discussions, you could also make these short discussions or short writing prompts.


  1. Homework should be banned.

  2. All students should have a part-time job.

  3. Technology controls people’s lives more than it helps them.

  4. Changing your job often is a negative thing.

  5. Video games makes people more violent.

  6. Countries should not celebrate other country’s traditional holidays. (For example, the U.S. should not celebrate Chinese Spring Festival and China should not celebrate Christmas.)

  7. Advertising certain products should be illegal.

  8. Social media should have an age limit.

  9. Everyone should go to college.

  10. Video games should have time restrictions for children.


Give these a try, and if you have any debate topics that have worked well in your class, feel free to leave them below in the comments!