Presentation Reflection: After the Oral English Exam

Your students gave their presentation! They’ve finished their oral exams, you’ve graded it. What more is there to do? In the last section of our series, we’re going to talk about Presentation Reflection. 



Presentation Reflection forms help your students not treat your exam like “Just another exam” to get through. I heard someone say once that success is reflection plus action. Giving your students the chance to reflect, and also teaching them how to reflect, can help your students improve in ways they’ve never been able to before. 


Reflection + Action = Success


After each presentation, I ask students to fill out the Presentation Reflection form either in class or as homework. It’s not graded, but often I will follow up with students and ask them about their reflections. 

The Presentation Reflection form asks students to consider:

  • By Doing the Presentation, I Learned:

  • I Think I Improved:

  • My Presentation Could Have Been Better If:

  • My Classmates Did a Good Job with:

  • Next Time, I Want to: 


These prompts not only focus on ways to improve, but also allow students the chance to reflect on what they did well and the progress they’ve made. I also encourage students to study their classmates to get an outside view of what works and what doesn’t. Before the exam, I just remind students to pay attention to their classmates and take specific notes about what they like or want to model. I encourage them to focus on the positive, rather than be critical, in order to maintain that positive team spirit I want in my classrooms.

Have you ever done reflections after exams? What questions did you ask?


If you’d like to use my Presentation Reflection form, you can download it here for free:



Check out the previous posts in this series here: 

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: 

Part 4: