I'm Lost! Phrases to Help Students Understand

Teaching ESL is great. Best job on the planet! Until you walk into the classroom and find out no one has any idea what you’re talking about.


What now.


I’ve walked into classes many times and been surprised by how low their English level actually is. Other times, I’ve known what I was heading into. Regardless of whether you’re caught off guard or prepared for their English level, here are a few phrases I always teach low-level classes  on the first day in order for lessons to run a little smoother.

  • My name is _____.

  • What does _____ mean?

  • How do you say ____ in English? (This is useful if they’re getting help from a classmate, but you still want them speaking in English when asking for help.)

  • I don’t understand.

  • I didn’t hear you. 

  • Please be quiet.

  • Open your books.

  • Turn to page ____.

  • Talk to your partner about _____. 

  • Do you have a question? (They probably won’t be asking this, but I want them to understand when and how to ask questions.)

  • Write down the English word and find the Chinese translation (I use this for teaching vocabulary words in class.)



These phrases help all the students get onto the same page, reduces confusion about tasks, and gives students the tool to improve their learning. Without these, it might be an entire class period of confusion for them, because no one wants to sit through a class where all you hear is “Blah blah blah.” None of that Charlie Brown teacher droning here, thank you. Phrases also help them feel accomplished and give guideposts throughout the lesson. What other phrases do you always use in class?