Halloween Party Games!

It’s Halloween! Which means it’s the perfect time to throw a Halloween party to get closer to your students. I haven’t thrown a party every year, but the years I have, it’s been a blast. Of course, your party will change depending on the number of people you invite, but here are a few game ideas to use at your party!

Mummy Wrap


Supplies: A roll of toilet paper for each team

How to Play:

  • Divide into teams of two. Not everyone has to play; it’s pretty fun to have an audience. One person will be the mummy, and one person will wrap the mummy. 

  • Tell them they have to wrap their partner using the roll of toilet paper to turn their partner into a mummy. They can do this using any technique they like. When one team has finished using their roll, the game stops immediately. Then, everyone can vote on who looks like the best mummy. It’s a challenge of speed and skill, and it’s absolutely hilarious to watch!

Spooky Scavenger Hunt

Supplies: Camera, List of items to find

How to Play: 

  • You can play this game indoors or outdoors, and you can adapt the list to whatever works best for you! Divide your group into teams (teams of around 4-10 work best) and give them a list of things to find. They should go around and take pictures of the items they find. Have a rule that each person (except the photographer) must be in the picture, and you’ll have a collection of hilarious pictures to commemorate the night.

  • Here are some spooky items to find!

    • Something orange

    • A team member running away from his partners who are pretending to be zombies

    • A hidden spider (You can buy a fake spider and hide it somewhere!)

    • A pumpkin (Again, you could draw a picture of a pumpkin somewhere, have a prop, or put a sticker somewhere if you don’t have the real thing!) 

    • All team members making scary faces


Mystery Bowls

Supplies Vary

How to Play:

  • This is a pretty classic Halloween game. Get a few different bowls that you can cover with a towel, and fill them with strange items. Allow each person to stick his hand into the bowl and guess the contents without actually looking at what’s inside. Whichever team or person can get the most correct guessed wins. It’s a great way to practice vocabulary, as well as allow everyone to get involved!

  • Some ideas for what to put into the bowl:

    • Peeled grapes

    • Cooked spaghetti

    • Mashed bananas

  • For a new twist, you don’t have to make everything disgusting! You could have a bowl full of paper clips or even Play-doh.

The best part about these games is that they’re fully customizable. You can use whatever you have on hand or come up with your own additions! Happy haunting!