TEFL vs. CELTA: What's the Difference?

When you’re first entering the ESL world, it can be a little confusing to know what requirements, documents, or certificates you need. Two big certificates people talk about are the TEFL and the CELTA. What’s the difference between them? Which one should you get? 


What is it?

TEFL stands for “Teaching English as a Foreign Language.” It’s specifically designed to give you the basic theories and tips you’ll need to teach to foreign students or to teach in another country. there are dozens of companies that provide different classes and different ways to get your TEFL. This is just a basic introduction. It doesn’t dig too deep into educational theories, and it doesn’t give you extensive opportunities or experience in practicing. 


Where can I do it?

You can do it in-person in a classroom course or online. 

How long does it take?

This will vary depending on the type of TEFL you choose.Some in-person courses just take a weekend and often online courses will give you a certain amount of time to complete the coursework. If you’re doing it online, you could move quite quickly or go at your own pace. My first TEFL was spaced out over three months, and my second TEFL only took me about two weeks to complete, even though I had six months of time to finish the course.

How much does it cost?

Again, this is a huge variable depending on your company or type of TEFL. Generally, in-class TEFLs are more expensive. Most companies estimate around $500-$1500 for an in-class TEFL. Online TEFLs are cheaper (there’s less overhead), and they typically range from $300-600. 

What do hours mean?

TEFLs are divided into different levels. The levels are separated by hours. The lowest tier TEFL is a 60-hour TEFL. 120-Hour is standard. Some companies offer 250-hour ones or even 470-hour ones. 

Do I need teaching experience to get a TEFL?

Not at all. A TEFL is designed as an introductory certificate. If you have zero teaching experience, that’s not a problem. A TEFL will give you the basics. 

Which company should I choose?

Obviously, try to find a company that looks reputable. There isn’t one well-known company for TEFL really. There’s no “Ivy League” TEFLs, but try to find one that seems professional and has a good mixture of practical advice with basic techniques. I researched for several months before choosing the company that I worked with, and I’m so glad I did. It was a practical, down-to-earth, accurate course. (If you’d like to check out the company I used, here’s the link: https://www.teflcourse.net/online-tefl-courses/ . This isn’t sponsored, but they did give me a coupon code that I can share with you. If you input the code KLAJX2019I, you’ll get 20% off!)

Is a TEFL necessary?

Each country and school will have its own requirements, but it is becoming standard practice to at least have  TEFL before teaching abroad. In China, a 120-hour TEFL is a requirement. Without it, you cannot get a working visa. In the past few years, more and more companies are following suit. My advice is: Get one. It will give you a great introduction to some theories and techniques, you’ll have a better understanding of what problems or misunderstandings might arise in your classes, and you’ll have more options when looking for a job. Just don’t rely on the TEFL to teach you everything you need to know. This is just an introductory certificate. 

Okay, now for CELTA


What is it?

CELTA stands for “Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults.” Key word here: “Adults.” If you’re interested in teaching children or in a high school, this certificate might not be that useful for you. CELTA is distinctly connected with Cambridge University and is much more intense than a TEFL course. This is not an introductory course, however. The CELTA is an intensive course that digs into the theories and techniques of ESL teaching, with lots of guided practice. 


Where can I do it?

You can get your CELTA at courses in countries all over the world. England, Spain, Thailand, the Czech Republic—just to name a few. It can either be completely in-person or partially online. 

How long does it take?

There are full-time and part-time courses. Generally, the CELTA is 120 hours. For online, that could be a minimum of 10 weeks up to a whole school year. A full-time CELTA is generally four or five weeks long. 

How much does it cost?

Prices will vary a lot depending on the school and country you get your CELTA in. Housing and room and board might be included in the cost. In that case, getting your CELTA in Thailand will be cheaper than getting it in the UK. Average costs are anywhere from $1,500-4,000. 

Do I need teaching experience to get a CELTA?

No, you don’t. CELTA says that it is designed for someone with no experience. However, due the high intensity of the course, how detailed the lesson plans must be, and the high standards they hold you to during demo teachings, you will probably be more successful in the course if you have a little experience. At the very least, having some experience would probably make you a little more confident.

Which company should I choose?

There are plenty of companies online that offer connections with CELTA, or you could go directly through Cambridge. Since its all under one umbrella, it’s supposed to stay pretty standardized. 

Is a CELTA necessary?


No, especially if you’re not teaching adults. CELTA is viewed as a higher-level ESL certificate. If you have it, it might make you look better to potential employers, and you might even get a higher salary because of it. For example, in China, if you teach at a training center, and you have a CELTA, you’ll get a slightly higher paycheck than some of your peers without one. A CELTA will give you a much better understanding of the theories involved in ESL teaching. If you want to advance your career, it could be a great choice for you. It also seems that they have their CELTA style of teaching, and they want you to follow it explicitly. If you’re a rule breaker, just be aware that you might have to conform to their style during the course. 

I hope this helps you decide which one is right for you! If you have questions or comments or want to share your experiences, leave a comment down below! I haven’t gotten my CELTA yet. I’m currently trying to decide which country I want to do it in . . . If you have a country you love and think I should go to, let me know!