What Documents Do You Need to Teach in China?

Finding a new job is always a little stressful. But finding a new job in a new country is, well, overwhelming. If you’re thinking about becoming a teacher in China, here’s what you need to know about documents.

According to national law, the three basic documents you need are:

  1. A Bachelor’s Degree

  2. A Clean Criminal Background Check

  3. A 120-Hour TEFL certificate.


A Bachelor’s Degree

This degree doesn’t have to be in English or in Education. If you majored in something else in college, you can still become a teacher! If you’re considering a career in teaching abroad, however, and you haven’t gone to college yet, should you get an ESL degree? In my opinion, no. It’s more widely respected to get a degree that’ s a little broader. Study education in general or study English. Degrees in business are also respected as well. And, if you decide to change your mind about living abroad, it’s good to have a degree that will transfer to other jobs in your home country. 

(A side note: In China, the words college and university are quite different. A college degree is similar to an American Associate’s degree, and a university degree is similar to a Bachelor’s Degree. Just be aware that some schools might look down upon your degree if it has the word college on it.) 


A Clean Criminal Background Check

Basically, the Chinese government just wants to know that they’re not letting a criminal into their country by offering you a job. You can get a local background check or one through the FBI. Just check with your school to see which one they prefer. The background check doesn’t need to be completely clean. For example, if you have some speeding or parking tickets still listed, you’ll be fine. Of course, any serious offenses could hurt your chances of finding a job. 

(A side note: China takes DUIs and substance use charges quite seriously. It might not be a serious violation in your home country, but having one or both of these records could make it impossible to get a visa in some cities.) 

Tip: If you’re even just considering the idea of working abroad, go ahead and request a background check now, since they can take a long time to arrive. 

A 120-Hour TEFL certificate

There are dozens of different companies offering TEFL certificates, and there are also different levels of TEFL certificates. You could get a 60-hour, 120-hour, or even 250-hour courses. A few years ago, China passed a regulation stating that all teachers must have at least a 120-hour course, so don’t try to save a few bucks and get a 60-hour course. Basically, a TEFL certificate is a quick overview and introduction to the world of ESL teaching, with tips and tricks, as well as a few theories and techniques. It can be done online or in-person, and the time it takes to complete a course varies. If you want more details about what a TEFL course is or how to complete one, you can check out this blog post, which breaks the course down into more detail.


Of course there will be more paperwork involved in getting your visa, but if you’re interested in teaching abroad, start collecting these three documents, and you’ll be on your way!