Choosing the Right TEFL Course

So, you’ve decided you want to get your TEFL certificate. How do you choose the right course for you? There are hundreds of ways to get your TEFL, and every person will be looking for a different type of course. Here’s a few question to help you choose the TEFL course that’s right for you.


Do I want to complete the course online or in-person?

            Most people earn their TEFL online—it’s more convenient and often less expensive. You’ll be able to complete your certificate from your own home and work through the lessons on your own time. Some courses offer online support or tutoring if you run into a problem or don’t understand something. 


            If you choose to get your TEFL in-person, you’ll have more opportunities to ask questions and work directly with a trainer. TEFL courses are offered in cities around the world, but this might require you to travel to another city. In my opinion, the TEFL is not an in-depth enough course to warrant prioritizing an in-person training. 


How many hours do I want?

            TEFL courses are classified according to hours. These courses can range from a 60-hour certificate to a 220-hour certificate. The higher the hour count, the more intensive the training will be. Many countries (including China) require a 120-hour certificate. As more and more countries are meeting the same requirement, I would advise against getting a 60-hour certificate. 

            Also, be sure to check how long you have to complete the course. Some companies only give you a matter of days or weeks to complete the TEFL, whereas others could give you several months to work through the course at your own pace. Many in-person trainings I’ve seen have been for four weeks, which could be difficult if that means traveling to a new city for that long.

            I specifically chose my TEFL course to give me six months to complete the training. I ended up finishing the program within a week, but it was nice to know I had that buffer.



How much do I want to spend?

            Each company has a different price point for their TEFL course. In a way, you pay for what you get. I got my first TEFL (60-hours) from a small company at an extremely low price. The platform didn’t work well, there was not much time to complete the course, and the course content was not that professional or practical. I chose to get a 120-hour TEFL, and this time, I looked for a mid-range pricing from a more reputable company. Remember, a TEFL certificate is just a “dip-your-toes-into-the-water” type of certificate. Don’t spend a fortune getting this certificate. It will not make you “stand-out” in most countries; instead, it’s a basic requirement. 


What company should I choose?

            Take all of the previous question into account before you start looking at companies. My advice? Choose one that looks reputable and one that fits your personal needs. These were my own personal requirements for my 120-hour TEFL:

100% online

From a professional company that was internationally recognized

At an average price point

One that seemed practical and applicable to what actually happens in the classroom

Allowed me plenty of time to finish my TEFL in case I got busy


            The company I ended up choosing was called ITTT, if you’re curious. They fit all of my criteria, and since I had already been teaching for a few years before getting this 120-hour TEFL, I can vouch for how practical the course was. To be honest, I wish I had taken this course before my first year of teaching—it would have helped a lot! 

            I hope this information helps you make the best choice for you when you’re getting your TEFL! Just decide what you want and don’t want, then find a company that fits that.

            If you’re interested in using the same company I did, they give all their alumni referral links. Not sponsored, but if you want a discount, use this code for 20% off whichever TEFL course you choose! 

Use this code for 20% off: KLAJX2019I